Freedom Ministry
Immanuel Prayer
Immanuel means “God with us,” and is the foundation for this prayer ministry founded by Dr. Karl Lehman. This ministry seeks to help connect individuals more intimately with Jesus, removing the barriers that can sometimes stand between our hearts and His. It also teaches the tools for helping us connect with the Lord outside of special prayer sessions, with the ultimate goal of helping us perceive the Lord’s presence and abide in an interactive connection with Him as we walk through life each day. The primary objective and focus is to develop a greater intimacy with God.
Freedom in Christ

If you have received Christ as your personal Savior, He has set you free! You will still have conflicts in your life but you can overcome them because of your position in Christ as His child. If you’re not experiencing daily victory over sin and doubt, The Steps to Freedom in Christ will help you reclaim the promise of freedom Christ offers to all who call on His name. The victory that Christ promises is complete. He has promised that the truth will set us free.
The ministry of Freedom in Christ is available to every Christian. The process involves a one-time session, usually lasting from 3-6 hours, during which an invidual works through the various areas that hinder their ability to enjoy God’s abundant life. Each person meets with a team of trained lay people, an Encourager and a Prayer Partner, who gently guide them through the process. Members have personally been led through The Steps and experienced this wonderful freedom for themselves.
If you are experiencing personal and/or spiritual oppression, or have difficulty gaining control over chronic, destructive sins or habits, you may want to consider walking through the Steps to Freedom.
For more information about Immanuel Prayer or Freedom in Christ, contact Dan Lacine at